By Freelancers. For Freelancers.

Work smarter, not harder!

Apply To Jobs Faster

No more copying & pasting from multiple tabs or struggling with ChatGPT prompts. Let PouncerAI do the work.

Powerful Cover Letter templates

Quickly create cover letters that grab client’s attention using the PouncerAI-assisted templates.

Intelligent Chrome Extension

PouncerAI is optimized to work directly within the Upwork interface making it fast & easy to generate a reply!


Hear directly from our users


Power packed features to help you win more jobs from Upwork


One Button. One-click. That's it!

The PouncerAI Chrome Extension instantly detects the job details on Upwork, eliminating the need to copy and paste into ChatGPT. So when you are ready to generate a Cover Letter, just click the button and let the AI system create a custom-tailored cover letter for you.


Create Winning Proposals with Easily Customizable Templates

With PouncerAI, you can generate attention-grabbing proposals in seconds. By leveraging your Upwork Profile and the client’s job description, PouncerAI Templates automatically deliver a tailored, persuasive cover letter designed to win clients.

But that’s not all—PouncerAI also lets you create and customize your own AI-driven proposal templates to suit your unique style and needs. Start winning more jobs with less effort today!


Make your Proposals Stand Out with the Upstyler Toolbar

Turn your proposals into eye-catching visual masterpieces with the Upstyler Toolbar. Specially designed for embedding Unicode characters—like bold, italics, bullets, and emojis—this toolbar helps add a touch of flair that will captivate a client's attention and make your cover letter unforgettable.


Get jobs for everyone on your team

PouncerAI makes it easy for you to manage multiple freelancer profiles on Upwork. Just add your freelancer’s profile and then use PouncerAI to send custom-tailored proposals for individual freelancers.

Generate more business for your agency with PouncerAI.


You Are Not Alone

Being a freelancer can be lonely. We know, we’re freelancers ourselves. That is why we created an exclusive community with the resources you need; from how to optimize your Upwork Profile, to weekly mastermind strategy sessions, to a large video library of tips and tactics you can use right now.

Sign up today to get your invitation to our exclusive freelancer community!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to upload or share my Upwork credentials?

No. PouncerAI does not require your account information or login credentials. The system works independently of Upwork so you can keep your private information, private.

Do you automatically apply for me?

No. We believe that you should be in total control of what jobs you apply for and what your cover letter proposal should say. There is nothing worse than wasting Connects to apply for jobs that you are not interested in or where your cover letter proposal is inadequate.

Does Upwork allow freelancers to use Chrome Extensions with their site?

Yes, Upwork does allow freelancers to use Chrome Extensions with Upwork. For more information please visit

What is the Upstyler toolbar and why is it important?

Upwork does not provide an easy way to add any styling to your cover letters. So we created a tool to help. The Upstyler toolbar makes it easy to add Unicode elements to your Upwork cover letters and proposals. Not only can you add emojis, you can also add Bold and Italic text, along with real bullet points. No other tool provides our unique Upstyler Toolbar!

What are profiles and can I use my Upwork profile?

Your Profile in PouncerAI is different from the one in Upwork. Your PouncerAI profile is specifically designed to work with the AI-prompts we developed to help the AI system know who you are and what you have done. Your Upwork profile is designed for people to read whereas your PouncerAI profile is designed for the AI system to understand.

Do I need to know how to write prompts for AI to use your system? I don’t know anything about AI.

No, you don’t need to know anything about AI. But if you are interested in learning, or already comfortable with AI, you can use our built-in AI prompts to tailor the output of your proposals.

Are you using ChatGPT 4.0?

Yes. We use ChatGPT 4.0 and will continue to improve our system using the latest API versions available from OpenAI.

Can I use my own AI prompts?

Yes. While we provide a number of sample prompts in the system, you can create and use your own prompts within PouncerAI. Even better, your prompts can reference the information we store about you and the job you are applying for.

Why use PouncerAI vs ChatGPT

Great question! First and foremost it's about convenience and speed. Instead of copying and pasting information into ChatGPT, PouncerAI has everything about you and the job ready-to-go when when creating a proposal. Second, we provide a number of proven AI prompt templates specifically designed for Upwork so you don't have to spend timing instructing OpenAI what you want written. Finally, OpenAI does not have the job information; a key component you will need. We do. So if you are tired of having multiple tabs open and wasting time copy/pasting information, then you will love using PouncerAI.

How do you use my data?

We take privacy and data security very seriously. While we do store the job information and your proposals in the system, we do not share your proposal information with other users. Further, when you cancel your account, we remove all proposal data, profile information, and templates you created.

our vision

About Us

Daniel Reiling and Sean Jackson are the creators of PouncerAI and active freelancers on Upwork.

Frustrated by the Upwork platform, they decided to create their own tools to help improve the way they attract potential clients from Upwork.

After showing their internal tools to other freelancer friends (and repeated requests to use them), they decided to make these tools available to any freelancer.

Finding quality work on Upwork can be a challenge, and PouncerAI makes the entire process fast and easy.

our vision

About Us

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